GCI Everything Building Podcast Episode 69: FIU Wall of Wind Research Facility

FIU Wall of Wind Research Facility: Environmental Effects on Buildings

(Released on August 19)
In this episode, Chris Matthews, President and Principal for GCI Consultants talks with staff members from FIU , starting with, Ioannis Zisis from FIU who is an Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environ. Engineering. They’ll discuss the Wall of Wind and research on curtain walls, and simulation of damage from water-ingress.

Hurricane Investigations, Construction & Consumer Recommendations

(Released on June 1)
  • Give us a little history of your experience in hurricane investigations.
  • What have you and your peers learned from these investigations?
  • How has the construction industry responded to these findings?
  • Have these changes been effective?
  • What recommendations do you have for consumers?